National Zoo
Adorable but Deadly Fluff Balls, Better Known as Pygmy Slow Lorises, Born at the Smithsonian's National Zoo
The two babies are part of an endangered species whose unbearable cuteness has made them a target for wildlife traffickers
More Giant Pandas Are Coming to the U.S. in a New Loan From China
China plans to send a male and a female panda to the San Diego Zoo as early as this summer, and negotiations are underway for pandas' possible return to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
The National Zoo's Giant Pandas Bid Washington, D.C. Farewell
The three beloved bears will depart for China later today, traveling in style on a FedEx cargo plane
Why the National Zoo Is Saying Goodbye to Its Giant Pandas
Staff remain hopeful that members of the threatened species will be back in Washington in the near future
'Rare' Clouded Leopard Kitten Born at the Oklahoma City Zoo
Keepers hope the young male will have his own "little cloudies" one day, helping maintain the vulnerable species' captive population
Did Lions Live in Ancient Greece? And More Questions From Our Readers
You’ve got questions. We’ve got experts
The Wonderful World of Birds
As the Smithsonian's National Zoo prepares to open its reimagined and beloved Bird House, explore the fascinating science of our feathery friends above
Experience the Wonder of Migration at the National Zoo’s New Bird House
Following a six-year renovation, the revamped exhibition will open March 13 with three indoor aviaries
Why Buying ‘Bird Friendly Cocoa’ Is a Sweet Deal
The Smithsonian launches a new certification for chocolate lovers looking to help their feathery friends
The Ghosts Who Haunt the Smithsonian
Mysterious tales head up podcast offerings for late October and November
More Than Half of U.S. Bird Populations Are Shrinking
An alarming report indicates that dozens of species are likely to become federally endangered without preventive action
Two Cheetah Cubs Born at Smithsonian’s Conservation Biology Institute
The twins are an important addition to their vulnerable species and its dwindling gene pool
Beloved Sea Lion at National Zoo Dies Unexpectedly
Calli, a 17-year-old California sea lion, is remembered by zoo staff as a good mother and ambassador for her species
The Wide World of Smithsonian Scientific Research
With astonishing new discoveries in the cosmos and pivotal research much closer to home, Smithsonian science proves indispensable
Endangered Whooping Crane Hatches at Smithsonian National Zoo Site
An abandoned egg from a wild nest in Wisconsin was given to surrogate parents in Virginia
Wild Fox Kills 25 Flamingos and a Duck at the National Zoo
The incident is the first time a predator has broken into the exhibit in its 50 year history
Smithsonian Tells Museum and Zoo Visitors Masks Are Now Optional
Face coverings mandate is lifted this Friday, as more museums resume daily visiting hours
Meet Linda the Ostrich, the National Zoo's Newest Animal Ambassador
The large feathery friend is four years old and arrived at the Zoo in November 2021
Who Would Win in a Real-World Battle: A Bengal Tiger or a Ram?
The big cats are stealthy predators, but the mountain-climbing ungulates are agile defenders
What Did Graffiti Look Like Before Spray Paint and More Questions From Our Readers
You've got questions. We've got experts.
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