You can't believe everything you think
In a new book written with his wife, Nancy Abrams, cosmologist Joel Primack argues that the universe was meant for us. Sort of
A generation later, the first female astronaut is still on a mission
Come one, come all. Share the sky with the father of sidewalk astronomy
The image of Bruce McCandless' spacewalk two decades ago still amazes. It was the first untethered walk everand was among the last
His discoveries in 1905 would forever change our understanding of the universe. Amid the centennial hoopla, the trick is to separate the man from the math
The Institution decides to focus on four basic questions
Robotic spacecraft allow geologists to explore other planets as if they were on-site
The president envisions a future human mission to Mars, but medical researchers say surviving the journey is no spacewalk
From Triton's active geysers to the Sun's seething flares, newly enhanced images from U.S. and foreign space probes depict the solar system as never before
Noreen Grice has given the visually impaired a feel for the universe
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory probes the universe for the unimaginable
The world's largest (maybe) 9-planet solar system model goes up along Route 1 in northern Maine
It's Pluto, with its moon, Charon
The exquisite telescopes crafted by Alvan Clark and his sons helped make the last half of the 19th century a golden age of astronomy
Smithsonian astronomer Margaret Geller plotted the bubble structure of the universe. Now she's working to find out how it got that way
High schoolers ask: would metamorphosis aboard a space shuttle mission yield normal butterflies?
Smithsonian and NASA's Chandra x-ray observatory sheds new light on the mysteries of the universe
Three Smithsonian astronomers run a worldwide news service about what is happening overhead
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