In Vietnam, dog lovers had best keep their pooches behind high, locked fences if they don't want their pets to wind up boiled in a pot
Did you celebrate? If not, you'll just have to celebrate twice next year
Why more writers should be as fearless, and as prickly as Vidal
How to tell which countries will take home more bling, and why weight lifting matters
One of the pillars of science fiction would have turned 118 today
The Army has announced that they are designing body armor specifically tailored to women's bodies
A new study charted how English has changed over the past 500 years, finding it to be more stagnant than ever before
Because of their complex brains and rich social lives, should dolphins and whales be considered non-human legal persons, with full legal rights?
Powell designed glasses with built-in screens that translate speech, the translation appearing live as subtitles floating in front of the wearer's eyes
Cornell researchers exploit kids' adoration of Batman for the better, using the superhero as an impetus to encourage kids to eat healthy
There's so much more to the humble taco than meets the hungry North American consumer's eye - or palate
Two New York City jewelers, caught with $2 million worth of illegal ivory, plead guilty to charges of commercializing wildlife
Should we hunt down and kill man-eaters?
Winning streaks are engrained into our sports psyches, but are they actually a legitimate phenomoenon?
The rage over CERN's font choice drives the question: How would the world have reacted to Newton's world-changing tome had Comic Sans existed at the time?
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