The 48th Mersenne prime was recently discovered on the computer of a man named Dr. Curtis Cooper, and it's 17 million digits long
Internal bleeding on the battlefield proves deadly for soldiers hit by bullets or shrapnel, but a foam injected into soldiers' abdomens could save lives
Preliminary tests from subglacial Lake Willard have shown signs of life
After eleven years, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has updated the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Now, fashion retailers are skipping the flesh and bones, and putting their clothes on digitally rendered mannequins
From an Elixir of Life to the Philosopher's Stone, mercury's long legacy is coming close to an end
Geneticist says he's extracted enough DNA from Neanderthal fossils to create an embryo, but lacking a uterus himself he needs to find the right lady
Although the rover itself could not make the trip from Mars, a full-size model will roll in the parade alongside the real-life crew
And now that you know you can—don't you want to?
If going to an asteroid is hard, maybe bringing an asteroid to us is easier?
What do people all around the world want to change this year?
Google has joined Hillary Clinton, basketball star Yao Ming and countless wildlife organizations in the battle against illegal wildlife trade
If you like playing games on the internet, you can help one of those psychologists out by playing a word association game online
Because people didn't think dogs were awesome enough
With multiple paths to the red planet laid out, we might actually see people on Mars in the next few decades
Utah State University's buses charge like an electric toothbrush or cell phone while dropping off and picking up passengers
Could computers may make diagnostic wizardry a thing of the past?
This remote-controlled car turns into a walking, missile-shooting robot
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