Music & Film


Libba Cotten's Guitar

Left-handed, she taught herself to play, wrote the folk classic "Freight Train" and sang into her 90s

A Swoopy, Funky Fun House of Rock

Seattle's new Experience Music Project is a $100 million, technology-enhanced repository of American pop music where anyone can be a rock star


The Talking Drums


The Boys Choir of Harlem Sings a Song of Hope

Hard work, discipline and tough love help inner-city choristers achieve lofty goals


The Gang's All Here!

A new show hails Edward Sorel, whose caricatures have spoofed or skewered celebrities of every stripe

Inventor Bradford Reed playing his pencilina

Concerto for Pencilina and Sewer Flute

Wacky instruments often resemble bad plumbing, but all are welcome in the eclectic light orchestra of experimental music

Tab Hunter from the trailer for the film Damn Yankees

Anyone Having Trouble Hitting the Notes?


Paderewski's Piano

When Polish pianist Ignace Paderewski toured America, he became a celebrity—and boosted Steinway


Movie Magic on the Mall

Museum flicks – from German silents to a comedy starring kangaroos – are not the typical fare


John Barrymore: a Profile in Just About Everything

A great actor, a shameless ham; an athlete, a drunk; a ladies' man, one of the boys-- the madcap Jack had as many faces as roles


Picturing the Face of the African Diaspora


How I Stuck My 'Hand' In a Fire Ant Mound For Television and Glory


Plugged In, and Playing With Power


Smithsonian Perspectives

"Red, Hot & Blue," a new exhibition saluting the American musical, is an invigorating example of the Smithsonian's mission to illuminate our past


Guess What My Li'l Chopin Played Today


When This Jazz Band Plays, It's Not Just Music—it's History

The musicians who make up the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra specialize in re-creating classic performances from the past


We Eat, Breathe and Dream Music. We're a Bunch of Nerds Here'

Make that an international bunch of nerds. The Berklee College of Music, aka "the MIT of pop," is respected all over the world


How to Take on an Ailing Company--and Make It Hum

When three biz-school-trained entrepreneurs rescued Nashville's Gibson Guitar Corp., they created jobs —and saved a musical tradition


The Aria Never Ends in the Opera That's Casa Verdi

Retired singers, musicians and conductors find a home in Milan, Italy, where a zest for music works like a fountain of youth


Sure the Piano-Violin Can Do Two Things At Once—But Can It Do Them Well?

Sure the piano-violin can do two things at once—but can it do them well?

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