Orbiting machines that grip, grapple and maneuver could one day maintain the fleet of small spacecraft that encircle Earth
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By analyzing the light it reflects, scientists can say whether that floating blob in a satellite image is made up of shrimp, seaweed or something else
Very high resolution satellites give scientists a new way to find out when and where a large-bodied whale, such as a humpback or a sperm, is stranded
Efforts to identify leaks of the harmful greenhouse gas are improving with advances in technology
Stargazers in North America can look forward to meteor showers, lunar eclipses and a stunning multi-planet lineup this year
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Thrilling discoveries, hurdles in the fight against Covid and advancements in space exploration defined the past year
The highly awaited observatory is set to break new ground in many areas of astronomical research
In "Don't Look Up," researchers warn authorities about a comet hurtling towards Earth. Such a scenario isn’t just science fiction
Researchers want to send a spacecraft near Jupiter to join up with a chunk of rock and ice as it’s flung toward the sun
A hostile landscape. Cramped quarters. Dehydrated food. A photographer takes part in an attempt to live on another planet
The device will hunt for resources, including water, vital to future space exploration
The earthwork is the latest in land artist Stan Herd's impressive, decades-spanning portfolio
The physicist thinks we might have glimpsed evidence of an alien civilization. Despite controversy, he’s determined to find more
A private company has just completed the first successful test of its trash collector
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A team in China has identified a location that could give the Eastern Hemisphere its first major observatory
Designed and tested by Purdue University engineers, this new appliance would lengthen the shelf life of food on long missions
An instrument named “DESI” will chart up to 40 million galaxies, ten times more than any previous survey
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