On a mission more than 200 million miles away from Earth, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft grabbed rocks from Bennu
Before spacecraft (and humans) set off to explore our nearest neighbor, these were some of the questions scientists were asking
You've got questions. We've got experts
Knowing those rocks’ origins will help scientists learn more about the composition of objects in the solar system and asteroid belt
Astronauts will test out the expensive commode, which is better designed for “dual ops,” before its eventual use on deep space missions
Researchers say the location would offer a quiet spot from which to hear a signal from an intelligent civilization
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be able to detect small, distant planets without stars
When it came to exploring the stars, Americans had to see it to believe in it
A brief history detailing how the United States and Russia led the effort to create the technical marvel
Two spacecrafts and a telescope are set to jumpstart a new age of solar astronomy
An experiment conducted outside the International Space Station leads to a controversial theory about how life might travel between planets
These five August releases may have been lost in the news cycle
Find out why the next mission to Mars is so exciting on the National Air and Space Museum's podcast AirSpace
A new tool from the space agency may produce the gas, completing the next step for planning a round trip voyage
National Air and Space Museum director Ellen Stofan reflects on the significance of the United Arab Emirates upcoming mission to Mars
Quarantine did not stop these innovators from discovering new species, creating the elusive fifth state of matter remotely, and more
These five recent releases may have been lost in the news cycle
Smithsonian curator Jennifer Levasseur examines NASA's relationship with spacecraft contractors
The newfound 'invisible' object is only 1,000 light years from home
Using the lunar module as a lifeboat and employing techniques never before considered, the astronauts' ordeal ended triumphantly
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