New Research


The Bra Is 500 Years Older Than We Thought

Volcanic ash from the Ejyafjallajokull eruption floats in the stratosphere.

Harvard Geoengineers Want To Fake a Volcanic Eruption


These Adorable Lemurs Are On the Verge of Extinction

Lemurs are the most threatened group of vertebrates on the planet

A mother’s DNA contains enough information to sequence a fetal genome.

Fetal Genome Sequenced Without Help From Daddy

Researchers now need only a blood sample from a pregnant mother to construct a fetus' entire genome

Americans Are Really Bad At Living Green But Aren’t Too Upset About It

Americans are “confident that individual actions can help the environment,” while simultaneously, “trailing the rest of the world in sustainable behavior.”

A Farm in New South Whales, Australia

Climate Skepticism Could Wipe Out Whole Towns in Australia

Stubborn climate skeptic hold-outs now face more than just the rest of the world's scorn: Their towns might not be on the map in a few years

Hubble telescope image from July 7, 2012 showing Pluto’s moon P5

Astronomers Find Pluto’s Fifth Moon

Blame Your Chicken Dinner for That Persistant Urinary Tract Infection

E. coli, the most common cause of urinary tract infections, has been growing resistant to antibiotics, and chickens may be to blame


Teach Yourself to Be Synesthetic: Hear Colors, See Sounds

A new study suggests that people may be able to teach themselves to have synesthetic experiences


Sitting Just Three Hours a Day Can Take Two Years Off Your Life


People Are More Rational When Speaking in a Foreign Language

New Gene Provides Link Between Stress and Depression


Quantum Computing Now At Least Vaguely Plausible


Thinking About Your Own Demise Inspires Environmentalism


Viking’s Most Powerful City Unearthed in Northern Germany

Archaeologists working in northern Germany may have found one of the most important cities in Viking history—Sliasthorp, where once sat Scandanavian kings


U.S. & Europe are Hotspots for Deadly Emerging Diseases


Physicists Pin Down New Particle, Won’t Quite Call It the Higgs


Wrecked Rivers of T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Wasteland’ Teem With Life Once More

Easter Island Drug Makes Mice Happier, Smarter

Bar-headed goose with a Mount Everest-simulating air mask.

Extreme Geese Reveal High-Altitude Secrets in Wind Tunnel

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