Like any self-respecting space entrepreneur, Elon Musk has a plan for a Mars colony
Changing weapons and technologies bring new sounds to the battlefield
We're not going to say these are the tools of the robot apocalypse. But, they're probably the tools of the robot apocalypse
The world is set for food shortages as the population continues to climb. Here are four things we can do to stop it
Just like human jobs, mine-sniffing dolphins are being replaced by robots
A one-megawatt solar power plant now provides150% of the electricity demand of a small Pacific island nation
This week, the state is grappling with how to bring their citizens the vote
As humankind expands into the far reaches of the world - we build things. Bridges, cities, buildings. How do those things get built?
A big asteroid will eventually hit the Earth. What can we do to push it out of the way?
It's the physical network of thousands of fiber miles and servers that create the multibillion-dollar infrastructure that makes Google Google
Chocolate consumption statistically relates to Nobel Prizes
Most fermenting species of yeast are found on animals, insects and rotting fruit, so cultivating yeast from a person's body might not be that far-fetched
The seemingly too-good-to-be-true 4-hour workweek has a few glaring caveats
England will soon begin construction on its first building built entirely from waste
The 3D printing gun idea has taken off, but Stratasys, the company who's printers are being used, isn't happy about it. They want their printers back
Using a mask made upon the great physicist's death, scientists created a 3D scan of Newton's visage
If you think Curiosity is exciting, imagine where we could have been if someone had put these guys in charge
iPad app sees Einstein's autopsied brain digitized
This site tracks thousands of passenger planes as they fly around the world
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