Scientists say the finding supports the idea that genetic material can be shipped to other worlds to help establish a diversity of life
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A group of scientists say the phenomenon could indicate dark matter speeding through our world at more than 300 miles a second
On the occasion of the lunar landing's 50th anniversary, we spoke to the former director of the National Air and Space Museum
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They take time off and practice their hobbies, though that wasn't always the case
It is time to honor six decades of women's contributions to spaceflight, says the Air and Space Museum, with unbiased verbs like 'crewed' or 'piloted'
Smithsonian scientist John Grant says we have to know what to look for and where to go on the planet for evidence
Three new (and particularly challenging) aspects of the Mars 2020 mission that distinguishes it from previous missions
Researchers in France aim to boldly farm fish where no one has farmed fish before
The decade-long mission requires dozens of glass tubes, two rovers and three more rocket launches, including the first from another planet
When Perseverance lands, Mariah Baker will collect data that will prepare the way for crewed missions to the Red Planet
If the craft succeeds, it will provide crucial information for exploring the other planets by air
Space agencies are launching new missions outfitted with revolutionary technologies, including the Perseverance rover, to learn more about the Red Planet
Experts describe how they plan to land the rover, what could go wrong and what they hope to learn
Be a part of NASA's Perseverance rover landing this February with these six ways to celebrate the mission to Mars
Thanks to a Harvard-Smithsonian mentoring program, high school students Kartik Pinglé and Jasmine Wright helped discover new worlds
Eclipses, meteor showers and dazzling views of planets will excite amateur and professional astronomers alike in North America
Discover what it's really like to live and work in space! Astronaut Victor Glover shares his thoughts and little-known facts about being an astronaut
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