Smart News Travel

Agricultural Pollution Is Threatening America’s National Parks

Gases from heavy fertilizer use are threatening the ecological balance of America's natural parks

America’s Chinatowns Are Disappearing

For many, Chinatowns are an attraction to a city - and many cities boast about their robust cultural neighborhoods


Government-Issued Guidelines Warn Chinese Tourists Not to Spit, Shout Or Overeat at Buffets

Last year, mainland Chinese became the top tourism spenders, dropping $102 billion in destinations around the world


In Russia, the Olympic Torch Flames Out

Shortly after the start of the Olympic torch relay, the flame was puffed out


The National Selfie Portrait Gallery Is a Real Thing, And It’s Art

Made up of solely selfies, the gallery attempts to explore how people see themselves


China’s Tianducheng Is an Eerie Ghost Town Version of Paris

If and when Shanghai spills far enough into the countryside, Tianducheng and its neo-Classical apartments will be waiting

Designers Are Trying to Build an Invisible Skyscraper in South Korea

Most architects want everybody to see their buildings. But in South Korea, designers are working to achieve exactly the opposite: an invisible skyscraper

Google Street View Goes to the Galapagos

Follow in Darwin's footsteps, starting on San Cristobal Island and then venturing to Floreana Island and North Seymour Island

Nobody Knows How to Interpret This Doomsday Stonehenge in Georgia

We know where they are and what they say, but everything else is all hotly debated

Mooncakes Are China’s Fruit Cake—Traditional Holiday Gifts No One Actually Wants

Last year, China threw away 2 million of them

Worst Vacation Ever? Man Trapped on Island for Two Weeks by Crocodile

Every time he tried to paddle off, the crocodile came really close to his boat and he had to turn back


These People Are Living in a Tiny Apartment in the Middle of a Museum

These designs for tiny apartment-living are being put to the test

Area 51, as seen on Google Maps

Area 51 is, Officially, a Real Place

Area 51 now officially exists, newly declassified documents say


These Carvings Are the Oldest Rock Art in America, by Thousands of Years

Native Americans created the carvings, which depict nature and geometrical motifs, though researchers still puzzle over their exact purpose and meaning


How Big of a Spot Can You Claim on the Beach?

Additionally, men take up more space than women, and larger groups of people tend to take up less space per person by crowding together


See the Greatest Architecture in 36 Different European Cities in This One, Gorgeous Time-Lapse

Dozens of pieces of premiere European architecture are showcased in this three-and-a-half minute video


In China, Airport Sniffer Dogs Hunt Down Illegal Wildlife Products

But even if the dogs do sniff out tiger and rhino parts, a system needs to be in place for fully prosecuting the criminals behind those goods

Mexico City And Washington, D.C., Are About Equally Safe

Mexico has its share of dangerous spots. But some parts of Mexico are just as unsafe as some parts of the United States, and some parts are safer

Warlpiri youth in Australia’s Northern Territory

A New Language Is Being Born in This Remote Australian Village

A unique language is being born in northern Australia

Unless You Like Toxic Chemicals, Skip This Chinese Delicacy

Thirty Chinese preserved egg companies are being shut down for using toxic chemicals to expedite the egg-festering process

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